The Defuse IF Blog

A Journey into Rethinking IF Statements and Object-Oriented Programming

Our blog is your go-to guide for writing smarter code and defusing IFs with good design—let's celebrate logic done right!

The Temperature Converter

Building a Complete Application

I started mentoring software teams in 1994. As an Object Mentor, my first goal when joining a new team was to understand each member and hear directly from them what they wanted to learn. To make this possible, I needed a way for them to evaluate their own skills, see where they stood, and decide what to ask from me based on that understanding.

The Temperature Converter

2D Text-Based Breakout Game Workshop

Defusing the IF Strategy in Collision Detection

One of my personal challenges—something I’ve been mulling over for years—is collision detection. We all know classic 2D games like Mario and Space Invaders. And if you think about it, the real magic, the moment that makes you cheer for Mario or brace yourself in Space Invaders, comes down to one thing: collision detection. Without it, there’s no game.

2D Text-Based Breakout Game Workshop

2D Web Breakout Game Workshop

Reusing Objects to Evolve from Console to Web

When I decided to create this workshop, I thought about all the times I’ve seen developers face the same dilemma: a product needs to evolve, maybe to a new platform or a different interface, and suddenly, the easy path looks like either starting from scratch or piling up conditional code to handle each variation. “If it’s a console game, do this; if it’s the web, do that.” Soon, you’re buried in a stack of if statements, and every change costs more time, more testing, and more bugs.

2D Web Breakout Game Workshop